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Laser Treatment for Rosacea in Phoenix and Scottsdale

Posted on: March 27th, 2023 by Our Team

Phoenix Surgical Dermatology Group is considered a leader in rosacea treatment in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona. Laser treatment is a popular and effective option for managing the symptoms of rosacea, a common skin condition characterized by redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels on the face. Suppose you live in Phoenix or Scottsdale, Arizona, and are considering laser treatment for your rosacea. In that case, it is essential to understand this procedure’s potential benefits and risks. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of laser treatment for rosacea and discuss its efficacy and safety in the Phoenix and Scottsdale areas.

What is Laser Treatment for Rosacea?

Laser treatment, also known as laser therapy or laser resurfacing, is a medical procedure that uses focused beams of light to target specific areas of the skin. Laser treatment can be used to improve the appearance of a variety of skin conditions, including rosacea.

Several lasers can treat rosacea, including pulsed dye laser, vascular lasers, and intense pulsed light (IPL) devices. Pulsed dye lasers use a high-energy beam of light to target and destroy the blood vessels that contribute to the redness and visible blood vessels associated with rosacea. Vascular lasers, such as the KTP laser, work similarly but are less effective than PDL. Finally, IPL devices use a broad spectrum of light to target and destroy the blood vessels but may not be as effective as lasers for severe cases of rosacea.

How Effective is Laser Treatment for Rosacea?

Laser treatment can be an effective option for managing the symptoms of rosacea, including redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels. In clinical studies, laser treatment has been shown to reduce the severity of these symptoms and improve the skin’s overall appearance.

One study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that pulsed dye laser treatment was effective in reducing the redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels associated with rosacea. Another study published in the same journal found that IPL treatment effectively reduced the redness and visible blood vessels associated with rosacea. However, the effects were not as pronounced as those of laser treatment.

Laser treatment is critical to note that it is not a cure for rosacea, and the symptoms may return over time. However, many people experience significant improvement in the appearance of their skin after treatment and report a boost in self-confidence.

Is Laser Treatment for Rosacea Safe in Phoenix and Scottsdale?

Laser treatment is generally considered safe when performed by a trained and experienced healthcare provider. However, like any medical procedure, laser treatment for rosacea carries some risk of side effects.

Common side effects of laser treatment for rosacea include redness, swelling, and sensitivity in the treated area. These side effects are typically mild and resolve independently within a few days or weeks. More severe side effects, such as scarring or changes in skin color, are rare but can occur.

It is essential to discuss the potential risks and benefits of laser treatment with your healthcare provider before undergoing the procedure. They can help you understand the specific risks associated with laser treatment in the Phoenix and Scottsdale areas and determine whether this option is right for you.


Laser treatment is a popular and effective option for managing the symptoms of rosacea, including redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels. While laser treatment is generally safe when performed by a trained and experienced healthcare provider, it is crucial to understand the potential risks and benefits before undergoing the procedure. If you live in Phoenix or Scottsdale, Arizona, come see us at Phoenix Surgical Dermatology Group to discuss laser treatments for rosacea.

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